Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The best sock pattern

I'm posting this pattern so I don't lose it. Not that I need it, I can pretty much do them with out the pattern, but it's a good one to have incase anyone wants a good pattern.

Cast 60 stitches onto a single needle. Distribute stitches evenly across 3 needles. Join, being careful not to twist.

Work 15 cm/6 inches of K3 P1 ribbing, as follows:

Round 1: *K3, p1; repeat from * to end of round. Repeat this for every round.
Turn Heel
This portion is worked flat in plain stocking stitch.
Knit first 27 stitches. Put remaining 33 stitches onto a holder.

Starting with a purl row, work 21 rows of stocking stitch, slipping the first stitch of every row. The right side is facing for next row
RS: Knit 18 stitches, SKP, turn
WS: Slip 1, purl 9 stitches, p2tog, turn
RS: Slip 1, knit 9 stitches, SKP, turn
Repeat last two rows until all stitches have been worked. Ensure right side is facing for next row. 11 stitches remain on the needle.
Re-establish Round and Create Gusset
Knit all heel stitches. Using that same needle, pick up and knit 15 stitches along selvedge edge at side of heel, using slipped stitches as a guide.
With a new needle, work in pattern across the 33 stitches of instep – those stitches that you’d set aside on the stitch holder.
Using another new needle, pick up and knit 15 stitches along selvedge edge at other side of heel, using slipped stitches as a guide. Work 6 stitches from the first needle.
The beginning of the round is now at the centre of the heel. There should be 20 st on the first needle, the 33 st of the instep on the second, and 21 st on the third. Rearrange the st if you need to.
From here on in, the 33 instep stitches will be worked in the rib pattern, and the gusset and sole will be worked in stocking stitch – that is, knitting every round.

Decrease Gusset
Work a round even – keeping the instep stitches in pattern – twisting all picked-up stitches.
Work a decrease round as follows:
>>Needle 1: K to last three st, k2tog, k1
>>Needle 2: Work all st in pattern
>>Needle 3: K1, ssk, knit to end
>>Work an even round, keeping continuity of pattern
>>Repeat these last two rounds until Needle 1 has 13 st and Needle 3 has 14 st. 60 st total on your needles.
>>Work until foot measures 5 cm/2 inches less than desired length.
Shape Toe
From here on in, you’ll work entirely in stocking stitch. Rearrange the stitches so that you’ve got 15 each on Needles 1 and 3, and 30 on Needle 2.
Work a decrease round, as follows:
>>Needle 1: Knit to last three stitches, k2tog, k1
>>Needle 2: K1, SSK, knit to last three stitches, k2tog, k1
>>Needle 3: K1, SSK, knit to end
* Work 3 rounds even
* Work a decrease round followed by 2 even rounds, twice. [6 rounds total]
* Work a decrease round followed by 1 even round, three times. [6 rounds total]
* Work 7 more decrease rounds. 8 stitches remain.
To finish, either graft together final stitches or cut yarn, draw through the final stitches and tighten. Weave in ends

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